Becoming a member of a church is an important step for those who desire to make a strong commitment to a local body of believers. Our church has a congregational form of government, which means that we are not run from the top down, but by the Spirit working among all of our members. If you are interested in becoming a member of our church, our four-step membership process is outlined below.
Application for Membership
An application for membership can be made at any time by clicking here.
Attend 'Starting Point' Class
Following the application you will meet with a couple members of the Elder Board to share your testimony of salvation and evidence of your agreement to abide by the church’s Constitution and By-Laws, and to affirm your commitment to serving Christ in this church.
Congregational Vote
If the Elder Board is satisfied that the qualifications for membership have been met, they shall recommend your name for membership at the next congregational business meeting.
Welcome into Membership
Please feel free to contact the church office to inquire about membership. We would love to answer your questions and pray with you about this important process of joining this local church.